Uniper is looking for a Lead Engineer Quality Management for Asset Governance in Malmö

ab sofort

Vollzeit,Hybrid, Unbefristet


Uniper is looking for a Lead Engineer Quality Management for Asset Governance in Malmö

Standort: Malmö, Skåne län, Schweden
Uniper is a great company to grow and develop in, and as our colleague is moving on within the company, we are looking for a new Lead Engineer Quality Management for Asset Governance. This is a role for you who are a true people person with strong self-leadership skills and who thrive in the interface of quality management and technology. Are you a person who with ease get people on board and to strive towards common goals? This might be for you! Placement at our brand new office at Hyllie in Malmö.

Your responsibilities

This is an ideal opportunity for an experienced Quality Manager who wants to work in an international environment. By joining our Asset Transformation team, you will play a key role in designing an integrated management system for our operational assets in Sweden, in a highly digitalized and culturally diverse environment.

The Asset Transformation team, with over 125 colleagues, owns and shapes the future of Uniper's new decarbonized portfolio to deliver a "new energy world" for Sweden and beyond. Your task will be to develop, maintain and implement the Integrated Quality Management System for Uniper’s new technologies such as Hydrogen, Renewables and Green Fuels as well as maturing and aligning the existing management systems for Swedish Thermal and Hydro businesses.

You will work in our local subsidiary in close collaboration with the Swedish Thermal and Hydro power businesses and with the new technologies and businesses. You will also work with our Nuclear business to harmonize quality systems between the Nuclear business and other businesses where feasible. The work is done in a cross-functionally way, for example with Information Security, Energy Asset Management and Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) to ensure a streamlined management system that is both legally and company compliant.

Main responsibilities and activities:

  • Maintenance and further development of the Integrated Quality Management Systems for Uniper’s Swedish plants to support security of supply.
  • Functional leadership of resources and topics in the context of asset governance and compliance.
  • Implementation of the Management Systems for the new Uniper business and technologies in the Nordic countries as a prerequisite for their 'License to Operate'.
  • Alignment of local asset routines to Uniper strategy, best practice and Uniper global business directives.
  • Securing the compliance of our current and future Swedish plants by managing the implementation of Swedish regulatory requirements and standards in the Management Systems.
  • Monitoring of conformity, performance and maturity of the Integrated Quality Management Systems based on relevant compliance indicators and through process audits, management reviews and maturity assessments.
  • Regular coordination with COO management regarding maturity, complexity reduction and continuous improvement of our Integrated Quality Management System.

Business travels to Uniper´s other sites in Sweden is part of the job as well as a few travels to Germany per year. These are often well planned ahead. You report to Graham Marlow, Asset Governance Operations Team Lead. Graham has long experience within Uniper and in him you will get a manager who put the team first. He will be you coach and help you develop in your role.

Uniper is part of Sweden's critical infrastructure and our operations are covered by, among other things, rules related to protective security, export control and nuclear non-proliferation. We will therefore carry out security clearance of all positions and complement with register control for security classified positions, according to the Protection Security Act. Uniper is part of Sweden´s vital societal functions and critical infrastructure which is why this position may be subject to wartime placement. Health and drug tests are performed if applicable. Uniper is positive to a flexible approach around remote working based on the conditions of the business and the individual employee.

Your profile

You have a strong motivation to hands-on lead business change initiatives by conducting business process design with a strong problem resolution attitude. You have the ability to work independently and drive change initiatives. Strong communication, conceptual, and strategic skills are essential as well as good stakeholder management skills.


  • Relevant university degree in economics, engineering or science.
  • Experience in process management, process governance and compliance.
  • Technical operational knowledge in the environment of plant operations ideally with experience in the process, chemical, oil & gas or energy industry.
  • Proficiency in both written and spoken in Swedish and English languages.
  • Experience with ISO management systems with a focus on ISO9001 or ISO55001.

If questions about the role, don´t hesitate to contact:

Recruiting manager, Graham Marlow, Asset Governance Operations Team Lead +44 7717 651 581

Union contact persons:

  • Charlotte Pennander, Unionen +46 705 885879
  • Laila Klintesten, Unionen +46 708 244689
  • Magnus Nicklasson, Sveriges Ingenjörer +46 76 1154687





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Wir bei Uniper treiben aktiv die Energiewende voran und sorgen zeitgleich für Versorgungssicherheit. Wir arbeiten als international agierendes Unternehmen in sehr diversen Teams bei größtmöglicher Flexibilität für unsere Mitarbeitenden. Unsere Unternehmenskultur ist geprägt durch Chancengerechtigkeit, Wertschätzung und Respekt. Du hast bei uns die Chance, neue Entwicklungen voranzutreiben, an Lösungen für eine moderne, nachhaltige und zukunftsgerichtete Energieversorgung zu arbeiten und Veränderungsprozesse aktiv mitzugestalten.


Schritt 1

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