Praktikum im Konzernrechnungswesen/​Konsolidierung (w/​m/​d)


Hybrid,Full-time,Office / On-site, Internship


Praktikum im Konzernrechnungswesen/Konsolidierung (w/m/d)

Location: Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Das sind Deine Projekte

  • Unterstützung bei der Analyse und Entscheidungsfindung in Bezug auf strategische und technische Buchhaltungs- und Berichtsentscheidungen, einschließlich der damit verbundenen Auswirkungen auf die Haupt-KPIs der Uniper-Gruppe
  • Unterstützung unseres External Reporting Teams im Hinblick auf die Erstellung und Pflege automatisierter Tabellen mit Datenbank-Anbindung für den Geschäftsbericht, sowie für interne Präsentationen für Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat
  • Unterstützung bei der täglichen Arbeit des Konzernrechnungswesens im Monats- Quartals und Jahresabschluss z.B. Erstellung der Kapitalflussrechnung, konzerninterne Eliminierungen und Kapitalkonsolidierung (dabei auch im Kontakt zu internen Fachabteilungen und externen Dienstleistern)
  • Aktualisierung und Verbesserung interner Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen
  • Zusammenarbeit mit externen Prüfern

Wie Du ins Team kommst

  • Studentinnen und Studenten aus wirtschaftlich orientierten Studiengängen mit Kenntnissen im Bereich Accounting (IFRS/ HGB)
  • Kenntnisse des MS-Office-Pakets, insb. MS Excel
  • Grundkenntnisse im Umgang mit Programmierungssprachen (z.B. VBA, R) sind ein Plus
  • Strukturierte und gründliche Arbeitsweise und Analysefähigkeit, Lernbereitschaft, Lösungsorientierung, Eigenmotivation, technische Affinität
  • Deutsch fließend in Wort und Schrift, gute schriftliche Englisch-Fähigkeiten und Hörverstehen, flüssig gesprochenes Englisch ein Plus
  • Dauer: idR. 6 Monate, ansonsten gerne individuell abstimmbar im Rahmen von 5-7 Monaten
  • Start: Anfang - Mitte September


Wir sind Uniper. Als internationales Energieunternehmen setzt sich Uniper dafür ein, die Energie-Evolution aktiv voranzutreiben und die Versorgungssicherheit von heute und morgen zu gewährleisten. Wir sind davon überzeugt, unsere Ziele sowie nachhaltige Veränderungen nur mithilfe der individuellen Perspektiven, Denkweisen, Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen zu erreichen, die jeder einzelne Mitarbeitende im Team mitbringt. So können wir voneinander lernen und uns gemeinsam weiterentwickeln, um messbare Ziele zu erreichen. Vielfalt und Inklusion werden bei Uniper großgeschrieben und als integraler Bestandteil der Unternehmenskultur aktiv gelebt. Chancengleichheit und ein Arbeitsumfeld, in dem sich alle gleichermaßen wertgeschätzt und respektiert fühlen, sind für uns zentrale Faktoren für Innovation, Kreativität und um die Potenziale der Mitarbeitenden bestmöglich zu fördern. Ob an den operativen Standorten von Uniper, im Büro oder Homeoffice – unabhängig vom Arbeitsplatz ist unser Team über das gemeinsam entwickelte Verständnis unserer Unternehmenskultur, den „Uniper Way“, stets miteinander verbunden. Begleite auch Du uns auf dem Weg in eine dekarbonisierte Energiezukunft.

Job ID:


Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail and we will get back to you:

Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by e-mail for data protection reasons. We would therefore like to ask you to apply exclusively here via our career page. The process is very simple and only takes a few minutes.

As long as our positions are online here on the career page, the application process is not yet complete and the positions are still vacant.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Your Uniper Talent Acquisition Team

Living diversity, fairness and inclusion (DEI) at Uniper

As an employer, Uniper is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. That's why we encourage applications from suitably qualified and suitable people regardless of gender, origin, disability, age, religion, ideology, sexual identity or marital status. We embrace inclusion and support flexible working.

What makes Uniper stand out as an employer

  • We allow you a high level of flexibility and individuality based on our unique FlexWork culture. You decide in coordination with the team how, when and where you work together


  • We offer you flexible workplaces and open spaces with state-of-the-art ergonomic equipment, both in the office and at home.

    Modern workplaces

  • We support you in balancing your private and professional life through flexible working time models, job sharing, sabbaticals and extensive offers in the area of child care and nursing.

    Work Life Balance

  • With a mix of digital and analog learning formats and topic-specific communities, we promote your personal and profossional development and lifelong learning.

    Further education

  • Experienced specialists and managers are happy to support you in strengthening your skills and advancing your career development.

    Coachings and Mentoring

  • Performance discussions, 360-degree feedback and employee surveys will help you and the company move forward, strengthen our collaboration and give you room to contribute your ideas.

    Open feedback culture

  • Safety and well-being are our top priorities. That's why we offer you regular free preventive medical checkups as well as a variety of learning impulses on occupational safety, health and well-being, and support programs.

    Health care

  • With our online exercise courses, sponsorship of your participation costs in central sports events and a large sports community, we offer you a healthy working environment.

    Sport and Fitness

  • You can enjoy a wide range of healthy and balanced meals in our canteen. In addition, you can participate in nutrition programs.

    Healthy nutrition

  • We offer you the option of leasing a car or bicycle through deferred compensation with financial benefits.

    Car and job bike leasing

  • We have electric charging stations for free charging of your electric or hybrid car.

    Electric charging stations

  • We provide you with free parking spaces.

    Free parking spaces

  • We take care of you and offer you a wide range of coverage beyond the legal requirements with our company pension plan, accident insurance, company health insurance and continued salary payments in the event of illness.

    Insurance and coverage

  • We pay capital-forming benefits and offer you a wide range of financial benefits through our corporate benefits program

    Financial benefits

We are Uniper

At Uniper, we are pro-actively transforming the world of energy and at the same time securing the supply of energy. As a company operating internationally, we work in very diverse teams and offer our employees as much flexibility as is possible. Equity, mutual appreciation and respect are the core of our corporate culture. At our company you will have the opportunity to shape new technologies, work on solutions for a modern and future-oriented energy supply and actively design change processes.



Virtual tour of our offices in Düsseldorf

With our virtual reality tour, you can experience Uniper from a completely new perspective. Our Düsseldorf offices can be viewed in detail without being on site. You can also get to know your colleagues and the working environment virtually. A highlight of the tour is built right into the beginning: a video from a bird's eye view impressively shows how attractive our location in the Medienhafen is.

Take the 360 degree tour


Uniper has been based at our headquarters in Düsseldorf's Media Harbour since 2019. Our central office consists of the two buildings Caprocorn and Float, which are connected by a walkway to form a single unit.



Uniper has been based at our headquarters in Düsseldorf's Media Harbour since 2019. Our central office consists of the two buildings Caprocorn and Float, which are connected by a walkway to form a single unit.



Uniper has been based at our headquarters in Düsseldorf's Media Harbour since 2019. Our central office consists of the two buildings Caprocorn and Float, which are connected by a walkway to form a single unit.



On the office floors, the modern furnished meeting areas and lounges are located in the centre of each floor and our colleagues work separately from the passage areas, each with window fronts. All workstations have modern equipment and height-adjustable desks.



On the office floors, the modern furnished meeting areas and lounges are located in the centre of each floor and our colleagues work separately from the passage areas, each with window fronts. All workstations have modern equipment and height-adjustable desks.



On the office floors, the modern furnished meeting areas and lounges are located in the centre of each floor and our colleagues work separately from the passage areas, each with window fronts. All workstations have modern equipment and height-adjustable desks.



We offer many services at the location that positively support everyday working life. These include an IT walk-in centre, a fitness studio, an underground car park with free parking spaces for cars and an extra garage for bicycles, including showers. For a balanced diet, there is a canteen as well as a café and a deli with fruit and healthy snacks, which are also open to the public.



We offer many services at the location that positively support everyday working life. These include an IT walk-in centre, a fitness studio, an underground car park with free parking spaces for cars and an extra garage for bicycles, including showers. For a balanced diet, there is a canteen as well as a café and a deli with fruit and healthy snacks, which are also open to the public.



We offer many services at the location that positively support everyday working life. These include an IT walk-in centre, a fitness studio, an underground car park with free parking spaces for cars and an extra garage for bicycles, including showers. For a balanced diet, there is a canteen as well as a café and a deli with fruit and healthy snacks, which are also open to the public.


Flexible working at Uniper means that our teams decide for themselves how, when and where they work. We have created hubs for collaboration and networking in our offices and we provide our employees with the equipment for a modern and healthy workplace at home. We also offer geographical flexibility and various flexible working models. This means you can do your work from different locations and shape your job to fit your personal lifestyle, so you can balance your work and private life perfectly.

To give you a deeper insight into the flexible working experience at Uniper, we have created a dedicated page where you can learn more about our flexible working models.

More about FlexWork at Uniper

Application process

Step 1

Online application

Have you found a suitable job posting? Then you can apply online right here. The application process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. Once we have received your application successfully, you will receive confirmation by e-mail immediately afterwards.

Your questions. Our answers.

Your application

Your general questions