Leiter Energiewirtschaft und Finanzen (w/​m/​d)


Full-time, Unlimited


Leiter Energiewirtschaft und Finanzen (w/m/d)

Location: Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Deine Aufgaben

  • Steuerung und Optimierung der energiewirtschaftlichen und finanziellen Aspekte der Uniper Wärme GmbH
  • Führung und Weiterentwicklung der Abteilungen Energiewirtschaft und Finanzen, inklusive der Verantwortung für ein engagiertes Team
  • Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Strategien zur Optimierung der Energieerzeugung und -beschaffung
  • Verantwortung für die Weiterentwicklung und Umsetzung des Transformationsplans
  • Budgetplanung und -kontrolle sowie Verantwortung für die Finanzberichterstattung und die Einhaltung der finanziellen Ziele
  • Analyse und Bewertung von energiewirtschaftlichen Märkten, politischen Rahmenbedingungen und deren Auswirkungen auf das Geschäft
  • Verantwortung für Vertragsverhandlungen und -management, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Energieeinkauf und langfristige Lieferverträge
  • Unterstützung bei Investitionsentscheidungen und der finanziellen Bewertung von Projekten; sowie zur Erlangung von Fördermitteln
  • Koordination und Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Stakeholdern, einschließlich Behörden, Lieferanten und Partnern

Dein Profil

  • Abgeschlossenes Studium in Betriebswirtschaft oder einem vergleichbaren Bereich
  • Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in einer Führungsposition, idealerweise im Bereich Energiewirtschaft oder Finanzen
  • Fähigkeit Aufgaben erfolgreich zu delegieren und Mitarbeiter coachend zu führen
  • Ausgeprägte Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen im Management von finanzwirtschaftlichen Prozessen
  • Kenntnisse von energiewirtschaftlichen Märkten sowie dem Management von Commodity-Positionen
  • Nachgewiesene Erfahrung in der Finanzberichterstattung / Unternehmenscontrolling sowie in der strategischen Planung und Budgetierung
  • Starke analytische Fähigkeiten, verbunden mit einem ausgeprägten unternehmerischen Denken
  • Ausgezeichnete Führungs- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, sowie die Fähigkeit, komplexe Sachverhalte klar und überzeugend darzustellen
  • Verhandlungsgeschick und Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit unterschiedlichen Stakeholdern
  • Fließende Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, gute Englischkenntnisse

Job ID:


Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail and we will get back to you:


Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications by e-mail for data protection reasons. We would therefore like to ask you to apply exclusively here via our career page. The process is very simple and only takes a few minutes.

As long as our positions are online here on the career page, the application process is not yet complete and the positions are still vacant.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Your Uniper Talent Acquisition Team

Living diversity, fairness and inclusion (DEI) at Uniper

As an employer, Uniper is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. That's why we encourage applications from suitably qualified and suitable people regardless of gender, origin, disability, age, religion, ideology, sexual identity or marital status. We embrace inclusion and support flexible working.

What makes Uniper stand out as an employer

  • With a mix of digital and analog learning formats and topic-specific communities, we promote your personal and profossional development and lifelong learning.

    Further education

  • Experienced specialists and managers are happy to support you in strengthening your skills and advancing your career development.

    Coachings and Mentoring

  • Performance discussions, 360-degree feedback and employee surveys will help you and the company move forward, strengthen our collaboration and give you room to contribute your ideas.

    Open feedback culture

  • Safety and well-being are our top priorities. That's why we offer you regular free preventive medical checkups as well as a variety of learning impulses on occupational safety, health and well-being, and support programs.

    Health care

  • With our online exercise courses, sponsorship of your participation costs in central sports events and a large sports community, we offer you a healthy working environment.

    Sport and Fitness

  • You can enjoy a wide range of healthy and balanced meals in our canteen. In addition, you can participate in nutrition programs.

    Healthy nutrition

  • We take care of you and offer you a wide range of coverage beyond the legal requirements with our company pension plan, accident insurance, company health insurance and continued salary payments in the event of illness.

    Insurance and coverage

  • We pay capital-forming benefits and offer you a wide range of financial benefits through our corporate benefits program

    Financial benefits

  • We support you in balancing your private and professional life through flexible working time models, job sharing, sabbaticals and extensive offers in the area of child care and nursing.

    Work Life Balance

  • We provide you with free parking spaces.

    Free parking spaces

  • We offer you the option of leasing a car or bicycle through deferred compensation with financial benefits.

    Car and job bike leasing

We are Uniper

At Uniper, we are pro-actively transforming the world of energy and at the same time securing the supply of energy. As a company operating internationally, we work in very diverse teams and offer our employees as much flexibility as is possible. Equity, mutual appreciation and respect are the core of our corporate culture. At our company you will have the opportunity to shape new technologies, work on solutions for a modern and future-oriented energy supply and actively design change processes.

Application process

Step 1

Online application

Have you found a suitable job posting? Then you can apply online right here. The application process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. Once we have received your application successfully, you will receive confirmation by e-mail immediately afterwards.

Your questions. Our answers.

Your application

Your general questions