Senior Environmental Originator

ab sofort

Hybrid, CAN-Contract

Calgary, Houston

Senior Environmental Originator

Standorte: Calgary (AB), Houston (TX)

Your responsibilities

  • The Senior Environmental Originator will lead the identification, structuring, and execution of bilateral transactions in renewable energy, renewable fuels, and carbon markets, with a strong focus on renewable natural gas (RNG) and Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) markets. The role involves managing relationships with key market participants, developing deal structures, and collaborating with internal teams working in renewable fuels, ammonia, and hydrogen to drive portfolio growth. Responsibilities include:
  • Originate and structure transactions in U.S. and Canadian renewable energy credits (RECs), carbon offsets, renewable natural gas (RNG), and LCFS markets.
  • Build and maintain relationships with external counterparties, including project developers, utilities, compliance buyers, and suppliers of renewable fuels, to facilitate bilateral transactions.
  • Collaborate with trading and analytics teams to develop pricing strategies for RNG, carbon products, and other environmental commodities.
  • Work closely with mid-marketing and origination teams to design and price structured deals for customers across compliance and voluntary markets, particularly focusing on renewable natural gas and LCFS solutions.
  • Interface with internal teams working on ammonia and hydrogen to ensure alignment on market strategies and opportunities without direct responsibility for these sectors.
  • Track and stay updated on legislative and regulatory developments related to environmental markets, including RPS programs, cap-and-trade systems, LCFS programs, renewable fuel standards (RFS), and regulations related to ammonia and hydrogen production.
  • Lead the negotiation and execution of contracts, ensuring compliance with internal risk governance frameworks and external regulations.
  • Coordinate with internal teams, including Risk, Legal, and Compliance, to ensure proper documentation and transaction closure.
  • Develop strategic partnerships with key stakeholders in the renewable energy and renewable fuels sectors to enhance market presence and drive business growth.
  • Provide market intelligence and deal flow analysis to support the trading desk's decisions on RNG, LCFS credits, and other environmental products.
  • Monitor and analyze market trends, customer demand, and competitive activity to identify new business opportunities, particularly in LCFS markets.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of new product offerings to expand market share in environmental commodities.
  • Participate in industry events, conferences, and regulatory meetings to represent the company and stay informed on market dynamics affecting RNG, LCFS, and other environmental markets.

Your profile

  • Bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, environmental science, business administration, or a related field.
  • Graduate degree preferred.
  • At least 3 years of experience in origination or trading of environmental commodities, particularly RECs, carbon credits, renewable fuels (RNG, LCFS), or other renewable products.
  • Strong understanding of environmental compliance programs, including U.S. RPS, cap-and-trade, LCFS, renewable fuel standards, and carbon offset markets.
  • Proven track record in negotiating and closing structured bilateral deals in renewable fuels, including RNG and LCFS credits.
  • Experience interfacing with teams working in ammonia, hydrogen, and other renewable fuels.
  • Established network within the renewable energy and renewable fuel trading markets.
  • Excellent negotiation, interpersonal, and communication skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with internal teams to develop and execute complex transactions.
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills with sound conceptual thinking.
  • Ability to make decisions quickly and communicate market opportunities to others.



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  • Sicherheit und Wohlbefinden stehen für uns an erster Stelle. Deshalb bieten wir Dir regelmäßig kostenlose Vorsorgeuntersuchungen ebenso wie eine Vielzahl von Lernimpulsen zu Arbeitsicherheit, Gesundheit und Well-Being sowie Unterstützungsprogramme.


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Wir bei Uniper treiben aktiv die Energiewende voran und sorgen zeitgleich für Versorgungssicherheit. Wir arbeiten als international agierendes Unternehmen in sehr diversen Teams bei größtmöglicher Flexibilität für unsere Mitarbeitenden. Unsere Unternehmenskultur ist geprägt durch Chancengerechtigkeit, Wertschätzung und Respekt. Du hast bei uns die Chance, neue Entwicklungen voranzutreiben, an Lösungen für eine moderne, nachhaltige und zukunftsgerichtete Energieversorgung zu arbeiten und Veränderungsprozesse aktiv mitzugestalten.


Schritt 1

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